After School Art

Art Classes with cardboard, beading, painting, weaving, clay, print-making and more.

Banner Art by Steve Johnson

The One Arts after school art program engages the whole child with an emphasis on visual arts. We aknowlege the need for play in order for creative intelligence to flourish. As Maria Montessori said, “Play is the work of the child.” We offer outdoor free play and always circle back to visual arts. We cover gelli printing, gesture drawing, mask-making and clay among other activities.

One Arts Studio at Camp Meade is now offering After School Art for kindergarten through fourth grade!

For the Fall 2024 semester, we still have open slots on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Registration for Spring 2025 in now open with availability Monday-Friday.

If your child attends Moretown Elementary School or Rumney Elementary School transportation is available from school to camp; otherwise parents must arrange transportation.

All parents pick up students at Camp Meade 5:30pm

Please pack your child a snack for After School Art

Click below to register for After School Art or Toddler Play Group

Click below to register for After School Art

picture of planetary arts building